Rsync is a file transfer program capable of efficient remote updates via a fast differencing algorithm. In laymans terms, it allows you to copy data from a source to a destination very quickly. Here is how I perform my backups with it.
rsync -va --delete --exclude "venv" --exclude ".git" --exclude "__pycache__" john@ :~/Documents :/etc/systemd/system/website.service :/etc/nginx/sites-enabled :~/file.txt ~/backup_john_123/
If you're trying to connect to a server with a non-standard SSH port (e.g. 5678 and not 22), you can include -e "ssh -p 5678". That is,
rsync -va --delete
-e "ssh -p 5678"
--exclude "venv" --exclude ".git" --exclude "__pycache__" john@ :/home/john/photos :/home/john/file.txt ~/backup_john_123/