Welcome to NeetVentures!

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Hey, I'm Neet Ventures. There are a lot of things I find interesting in this world, and this website provides a means to share them with others.

For the past several months, I've been very busy working on the next generation of imageboard archiving software. Some months into the future, you'll likely see it somewhere.

"A man could work with technology for a thousand years and never reach the end its possibilities." - NV

This site is subdivided into posts, which you can browse here, and navigation links for more significant pages. Have fun exploring.

If you want, subscribe to the RSS Feed.


Feel free to reach out to us at neetventures@protonmail.com.
Submissions made to this form will be displayed in the comments below.
Say hi, tell us what you're working on, tell us about your favorite program, website, musician, or even just some random thoughts you've been having lately.

Latest Comments

>>September 24, 2024
I think I'll go ahread and conk out now

>>August 10, 2024
Neet Ventures
Added some music to /music today.

>>July 22, 2024
Neet Ventures
After reading several blog posts on moxie.org, I decided to archive it. All Moxie Marlinspike's essays can be found at https://neetventures.com/post/3.

>>July 19, 2024
Neet Ventures
Hey cozycaleb, I hope you find the freedom you seek. Be sure to join the lainchan webring when your site is ready!

>>July 17, 2024
Hi. I just discovered your website today from cozynet. I've been somewhat interested in tech. Seeing from the getgo that a lot of it is for control and especially thinking patterns through social media, I've recently put my foot down and wanted to become free in every sense that I can. Food, water, shelter, and my computing. Now I want an RSS feed and to create a shitty 90s early 2000s cozy html site. I hope you're doing well frend

>>July 14, 2024
Neet Ventures
Hey internet folks, hopefully you're doing well. It's been a while since I've gotten any traffic here besides spam... I've started porting over posts from the old neetventures site. I also added RSS Feeds and the Comments section below. Just want to let you know, I'm still here, are you?

>>December 26, 2023
Merry Grav-Mass.

>>December 26, 2023
Albertvog ciegio@libero.it
The $50,000 Mining Puzzle: Putting Together Passive Income Success http://www.najpreprava.sk/company/go_to_web/35?url=https%3A%2F%2F1010-euro.blogspot.com%3F7772 t1zw9z3n4o6e1g6e v1zv1k5p7e9o4t0a h6mv5r2n9r8l8d1x

>>December 18, 2023
Otto Normalverbraucher
Comments status: Gone I guess I'll gronk out now.

>>July 23, 2023
Stop advertising here.

>>July 19, 2023
Poetic! Now let's beat the snot out of Vickey's spamputer.

>>July 19, 2023
Once a password hacker sat by a terminal Under the shade of a binary tree And he sang as he sat and waited til' his code compiled "You'll come a-cracking computers with me"

>>July 15, 2023
http://www.slackware.com/~msimons/slackware/grfx/ How can one operating system be so based

>>July 15, 2023

>>July 14, 2023
Victory cannot be archieved without sacrifice, Anon We Gnu/Linux users know this better than anyone.

>>July 14, 2023
Listening to Teen Daze's Glacier tonight and feeling so good. It reminded me of experiences I forgot, or just never think back on. Such a great album for Autumn, I ought to save it for then.

>>July 12, 2023
Oh hey L! What a surprise 😁 My email is neetventures@protonmail.com. I will be sure to look for mail there this week

>>July 11, 2023

>>July 11, 2023
No, I'm your friend from rat castle bar and balloonery

>>July 10, 2023
Lain radio, is that you?

>>July 09, 2023
Pls respond

>>July 08, 2023
I've got a new line account. Can you send me your line id? I will make a 1 time mail address for this purpose. -L-

>>July 08, 2023

>>July 01, 2023
holy penguin pee

>>June 29, 2023
I had my 750m swimming done today. Next time is the 20km biking >3<!! Triathlon-ing this summer

>>June 25, 2023
Nobody owns pets anymore, the practice has faded into history. Stoppit.

>>June 20, 2023
what is the opinion?

>>June 18, 2023
This guy is rational most of the time, but mention nuclear energy around him and he'll generate infinite flamage.

>>June 16, 2023

>>June 16, 2023

>>June 16, 2023
wooooooooooooooooooow cool weebsite wooooooooooooooow

>>June 16, 2023
install gentoo

>>June 16, 2023
cool website anon

>>June 16, 2023
penis penis penis

>>June 16, 2023
Hey, any idea when you’ll be back to fix our kitchen sink? My wife was home alone when you came last time and she said you were great, but our sink still leaks!?

>>June 16, 2023
Fine site you have here, boy.

>>June 15, 2023
absolute madness

>>June 15, 2023
y u so gnarp gnarp

>>June 15, 2023
Very cozy.

>>June 15, 2023
Hello anon :D

>>June 15, 2023
Live for more.. don't enslave yourself to dopamine.! You can do more..

>>June 15, 2023
Eat, rave, slap my meat repeat

>>June 15, 2023
Anon, ifyoure readingthis, you have to wakeup ASAP

>>June 15, 2023
GRONK HARDER, trust me, it's good for you

>>June 15, 2023
shalom, by me

>>June 15, 2023
gronking stopped

>>June 13, 2023
Hello, Gronker. Can I ask how your gronking was? What brings you here? Do you prefer inward sanctuaries or outward utopias? What's your favourite thing about the interweb?

>>June 10, 2023
I guess I'll gronk out now; see you all tomorrow.

>>June 07, 2023
thanks mate

>>June 04, 2023
enjoy yourself

>>June 03, 2023
hi :)))))))))))))))

>>June 03, 2023
[redacted] was here

>>June 02, 2023
for your pinterest problem you can use custom ublock filters which are quite powerful. i made it for you. duckduckgo.com##div[class="tile tile--img has-detail"]:has(a[href^="https://www.pinterest.com"]):style(display:none!important;) this blocks the container tile div which contains an <a> link inside of it starting with a href of the pinterest domain

>>June 01, 2023
elle n'aime pas les grenouilles

>>May 28, 2023
Thank you, Russell!

>>May 23, 2023
Stop living in the past, because it causes depression. Stop living in the future, because it causes anxiety and fear. live in the present.

>>May 20, 2023
hey, you sent us an email and the deactivated your email account. get in touch lainzine@riseup.net lainzine@protonmail.com

>>May 19, 2023
i wanna move to russia so bad, not atm tho, shit looks like its about to break a war

>>May 19, 2023
it's pinterest Ö

>>May 16, 2023
>Does a set of all sets contain itself? Oh, sweaty, I'm sorry you have to ask.

>>May 15, 2023
Does a set of all sets contain itself?

>>May 14, 2023
/glow makes me laugh

>>May 13, 2023
What would you like to create?

>>May 12, 2023
i want to create, but i bear the burden of reluctance and ineptitude.

>>May 12, 2023
The captcha is simple addition, anon. What specifically were you struggling with?

>>May 12, 2023

>>May 11, 2023
Finally solved that pesky captcha! I've been locked out of line for 60 days for reasons unknown, but I am alive and well and back on the grind, say hello to Ben and Jordan please, stay fresh. L.

>>May 11, 2023
>Don't mind me, just reversing your captcha. Thank you for your interest in neetventures.com! If you have any suggestions for the site, you can let me know.

>>May 10, 2023
Don't mind me, just reversing your captcha.

>>May 08, 2023

>>May 02, 2023
NSA line eater

>>April 28, 2023
*shitty CIA funded fart noise drums and Casio keyboard bass starts playing* "Watching all the incels march along..."

>>April 15, 2023
i love this place

>>April 13, 2023
Hi Anon, thank you for noticing /mandarin_verbs ! That's nice to hear.

>>April 13, 2023
I like those summer mandarin words

>>April 12, 2023
scumbag was here

>>April 11, 2023
OpenBSD 7.3

>>April 09, 2023
[35:33] So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are

>>April 09, 2023
Added a new navigation item @ https://neetventures.com/mandarin

>>April 07, 2023
Bruh what is this some kind of sharty expy site lmao Cool to know what the degens on my VPN have been torrenting lol

>>April 07, 2023
You've really out-glowed yourself, posting here twice

>>April 07, 2023
i am from the wired.

>>April 07, 2023
Where is everyone coming from?

>>April 07, 2023
greetings and fuck bananas

>>April 06, 2023
what is up

>>April 06, 2023
Cette remarque conduit à éloigner l'étincelle de façon à n'avoir plus à tenir compte de sa propre action.

>>April 03, 2023
Hidden Corner has noticed you... Welcome to the Webring!! http://ubnm4kfxmjglxh2zrlunbxubg3knzr6wumixzkl5xmkc7h5oho4lx4qd.onion/

>>April 03, 2023
Greetings from https://tinfoil-hat.net

>>April 01, 2023
I'm down if you're down to get down tonight

>>April 01, 2023
Cut the parachute before the dive

>>March 29, 2023
Added a new navigation item @ https://neetventures.com/soykaf

>>March 28, 2023
Added a new navigation item @ https://neetventures.com/links

>>March 24, 2023
New blog post just released @ https://neetventures.com/blog

>>March 22, 2023

>>March 22, 2023

>>March 22, 2023

>>March 22, 2023

>>March 22, 2023

>>March 22, 2023

>>March 22, 2023

>>March 22, 2023

>>March 22, 2023
Matrix is Amdocs and is bloated and a honeypot:

>>March 21, 2023
raining so hard it might flood outside. back here again...

>>March 18, 2023
hey anon, any plans for the weekend? I'm gonna learn more Mandarin

>>March 18, 2023
this has been quiet for a few days HELLO!

>>March 14, 2023
my name joe steele

>>March 14, 2023
Issues have been resolved. The CSRF token was invalid.

>>March 14, 2023
neeventures.com was moved to a new host and seems to be having issues with POSTing...

>>March 13, 2023
>new day! same shit... Anything I can help you with?

>>March 13, 2023
new day! same shit...

>>March 12, 2023
Sneed was here

>>March 12, 2023
hi anon :}

>>March 12, 2023
Hi, ily anon

>>March 12, 2023
<script>alert(1);</script> haha just kidding anon I know you're smart enough to sanitize inputs.... right?

>>March 12, 2023
i dont know who made this site but imma be here for a while

>>March 12, 2023
hello im from earth

>>March 12, 2023
Stay gold anon. Stay gold

>>March 12, 2023
Sanctuaries :P

>>March 12, 2023
What is better? Sanctuaries or utopias? Next comment answer me of you are a buddhist.

>>March 12, 2023
It's over, why even live

>>March 12, 2023
commenter below me said a cool thing

>>March 12, 2023
Although its scent still lingers on the form of a flower has scattered away For whom will the glory of this world remain unchanged? Arriving today at the yonder side of the deep mountains of evanescent existence We shall never allow ourselves to drift away intoxicated, in the world of shallow dreams.

>>March 12, 2023

>>March 12, 2023
Look at me. I'm immortalized in the interwobs.

>>March 12, 2023
Is the commenter below me trying to hack the website with text? 5162

>>March 12, 2023
Hello <script>console.log("you got pwned");</script>

>>March 12, 2023
i am poop man

>>March 12, 2023
BLUE of D.V.C. was here 2023

>>March 11, 2023
realest it gets - cheesman

>>March 11, 2023
comfy site, i am in the Ether

>>March 11, 2023
Windows NT is superior. All hail Dave Cutler. Lainchan and Linux are gay.

>>March 11, 2023

>>March 11, 2023
But the link said free robux...

>>March 09, 2023
2023.03.03 ~ the king of akron

>>March 06, 2023
I sense it, I sense you sensing me. The last words you spoke didn't feel right. Silent death aches, my heart breaks. Crawl over you in the night, a kiss I take.

>>March 03, 2023
Vote Lain 2024

>>February 26, 2023
I am the abuser I am the butcherer the destroyer of promises. the shadow of man's folly, a worthless whelp with no place in the world but the shallow grave his disgusting black heart is owed in the end

>>February 25, 2023
a miserable squelching mass of flesh, sinners conjoined, sinners howling in the aftermath of their hollow laments. The angel's choir singing songs of mocking. songs of the past blown to the wind. and as the mass howls its last at the fall of the moon, the crimes of those conjoined in grief shall fade into the same dark they stowed away in through their cowardice. to make no more sound or mischief to the joy of many. i am the antichrist i am the false angel held in regard by his heavenly host

>>February 25, 2023
burn the wicked gut the weak purge sinners destroy the weak dddike die dide did meikde dide ide die die die die dideer idedie

>>February 19, 2023

>>February 15, 2023
The universe believes in encryption.

>>February 13, 2023
sneise site

>>February 11, 2023
Hell is a real place, and you can go down there and fight the demons

>>February 11, 2023
Sneeds feed and seed

>>February 10, 2023
Web browsers are useless here.

>>February 06, 2023
LibreWolf is the best browser in existence.

>>February 06, 2023
Congrats on the math captcha :)

>>February 06, 2023
Testing the new Math Captcha. Fuck you bots!

>>February 06, 2023

>>February 05, 2023
Greetings from Lain Webring - S

>>February 05, 2023
Hello lainfren!

>>February 05, 2023
did you add the captcha yet friend

>>February 05, 2023
Does this still live?

>>February 05, 2023
canister custard populate reverse doorknob outbound unsolved shown payment rebuttal educated impurity citric alarm appointee squeamish duckling confidant player unbroken

>>February 05, 2023
cool /music/

>>February 05, 2023
Take your meds

>>February 05, 2023
economic manpower riverside splicing gumball chevron mayday cleat democracy groin crewman diabolic relocate hence unrevised

>>February 05, 2023
spender protract morse perjurer jolliness gauntlet lifter footpad dipped attest freebie denote cataract helpless compacted

>>February 05, 2023
Pretty cool website

>>February 05, 2023
https://ftp.lainon.org/files/textfiles/guides/writingtfiles.txt needs textfiles. 7/10 TMDWU

>>February 05, 2023
Fellow NEET internet addict here. I'm almost back to being a hikki/NEET once again. Fuck Society!

>>February 05, 2023
<a href=http://slkjfdf.net/>Ifugaxe</a> <a href="http://slkjfdf.net/">Ugaqvifwe</a> spc.ujou.neetventures.com.bro.yc http://slkjfdf.net/

>>January 10, 2023
mongus morgoz

>>January 10, 2023
sneed AF no cap

>>January 10, 2023
Cool website, i like the minimalist design. My favorite design feature is the rainbow "Neet Ventures" text.

>>January 10, 2023
feed and sneed

>>January 10, 2023

>>January 10, 2023

>>January 10, 2023

>>January 10, 2023
<img class="img_swing img_limiter" src="/static/media/hysterical.png">

>>January 10, 2023
<img class="img_swing img_limiter" src="/static/media/hysterical.png">

>>January 10, 2023
hello Sir I have great opportunity 4 u 4 investment in to managed (1000% safe) crypto fund. We invest in SAFE coins and all customer is happy! look at our investment in ApeCoin (APE) = up 25% today!!!! msg me soon pls sanjeer2008@gmail.com

>>January 10, 2023
Very nice website, nice details. Nice content.