Learn Mandarin, Stories

Published: Saturday, September 16, 2023

有个 程序员 小明 , 最近 在 学习 Python 编程 , 但是 却 遇到 了 麻烦 。 他 下载 了 Python 的 最新 版本 , 但是 每次 尝试 运行 程序 时 , 总是 出现 错误

Yǒu gè chéngxù yuán xiǎo míng, zuìjìn zài xuéxí Python biānchéng, dànshì què yù dào le máfan. Tā xiàzài le Python de zuìxīn bǎnběn, dàn shì měi cì chángshì yùnxíng chéngxù shí, zǒngshì chūxiàn cuòwù.

There is a programmer named Xiaoming who has been studying Python programming recently, but has encountered trouble. He downloaded the latest version of Python, but every time he tried to run the program, an error would occur

有个 程序员 小明 最近 学习 Python 编程 但是 遇到 麻烦 下载 Python 最新 版本 但是 每次 尝试 运行 程序 总是 出现 错误
yǒu gè chéng xù yuán xiǎo míng zuì jìn zài xué xí ~ biān chéng dàn shì què yù dào le má fan xià zài le ~ de zuì xīn bǎn běn dàn shì měi cì cháng shì yùn xíng chéng xù shí zǒng shì chū xiàn cuòwù
there is a programmer Xiaoming recently at, in, on study ~ programming but, however but encounter troublesome; inconvenient he/him download ~ latest version but, however every time try, attempt run program time/when always appear error

小明试 了 很多 方法 , 包括 卸载 并 重新安装 Python , 检查 语法 和 代码 , 但 问题 仍然 存在 。 他 感到 非常 沮丧 和 困惑 , 因为 他 的 编程 作业 已经 堆积如山

Xiǎo míng shìle hěnduō fāngfǎ, bāokuò xièzài bìng chóngxīn ānzhì Python, jiǎnchá yǔfǎ hé dàimǎ, dàn wèntí réngrán cúnzài. Tā gǎndào fēicháng jǔsuò hé kùnhuò, yīnwèi tā de biānchéng zuòyè yǐjīng duījīn rúshān.

Xiaoming tried many methods, including uninstalling and reinstalling Python, checking syntax and code, but the problem still persisted. He felt very frustrated and confused because his programming assignments had piled up like a mountain

小明试 很多 方法 包括 卸载 重新安装 Python 检查 语法 代码 问题 仍然 存在 感到 非常 沮丧 困惑 因为 编程 作业 已经 堆积如山
xiǎo míng shì le hěn duō fāng fǎ bāo kuò xiè zài bìng chóng xīn ān zhuāng ~ jiǎn chá yǔ fǎ dài mǎ dàn wèn tí réng rán cún zài gǎn dào fēi cháng jǔ sàng kùn huò yīn wèi de biān chéng zuò yè yǐ jīng duī jī rú shān
Xiaoming tried many method include uninstall and reinstall ~ check grammar and code but, yet problem still exist he/him feel extremely frustrated and confused because he/him programming assignment already piled up like a mountain

他 向 他 的 同事 和 朋友 们 求助 , 但是 他们 都 忙于 自己 的 工作 和 生活 , 无法 帮助 他 。 小明 感到 很 失望 , 他 甚至 考虑 放弃 学习 Python

Tā xiàng tā de tóngshì hé péngyǒumen qiúzhù, dàn shì tāmen dōu mángyú zìjǐ de gōngzuò hé shēnghuó, wúfǎ bāngzhù tā. Xiǎo míng gǎndào hěn shīwàng, tā shénzhì kǎolǜ fàngqì xuéxí Python.

He asked his colleagues and friends for help, but they were all busy with their own work and life, unable to assist him. Xiaoming felt very disappointed, and he even considered giving up on learning Python

同事 朋友 求助 但是 他们 忙于 自己 工作 生活 无法 帮助 小明 感到 失望 甚至 考虑 放弃 学习 Python
xiàng de tóng shì péng yǒu men qiú zhù dàn shì tā men dōu máng yú zì jǐ de gōng zuò shēng huó wú fǎ bāng zhù xiǎo míng gǎn dào hěn shī wàng shèn zhì kǎo lǜ fàng qì xué xí ~
he/him to he/him colleague and friend plural marker seek help but, however they all, both busy with oneself work and life unable to help, to help he/him Xiaoming feel very disappointed he/him even consider give up study ~

然而 , 他 最终 找到 了 解决问题 的 方法 。 通过 搜索 互联网 和 查找 Python 编程 论坛 , 他 终于 找到 了 与 他 遇到 相同 问题 的 人们 , 并 获得 了 有用 的 建议 和 指导

Rán’ér, tā zuìzhōng zhǎodào le jiějué wèntí de fāngfǎ. Tōngguò sōusuǒ hùliánwǎng hé chákàn Python biānchéng lùntán, tā zhōngyú zhǎodào le yǔ tā yùdào xiāngtóng wèntí de rénmen, bìng huòdé le yǒuyòng de jiànyì hé zhǐdǎo.

However, he eventually found a solution to his problem. Through searching the internet and looking for Python programming forums, he finally found people who had encountered the same problem as him and received useful advice and guidance

然而 最终 找到 解决问题 方法 通过 搜索 互联网 查找 Python 编程 论坛 终于 找到 遇到 相同 问题 人们 获得 有用 建议 指导
rán ér zuì zhōng zhǎo dào le jiě jué wèn tí de fāng fǎ tōng guò sōu suǒ hù lián wǎng chá zhǎo ~ biān chéng lùn tán “zhōng yú” zhǎo dào le yù dào xiāng tóng wèn tí de rén men bìng huò dé le yǒu yòng de jiàn yì zhǐ dǎo
however he/him eventually find solve a problem method through search internet and search ~ programming forum he/him “finally” find with he/him encounter same problem people and gain useful suggestion and guidance

小明 学习 并 实践 了 这些 建议 , 最终 解决 了 他 的 Python 编程 问题 。 他 感到 非常 开心 和 自豪 , 并 意识 到 在 编程 旅程 中 , 遇到 问题 并 不是 坏事 , 而是 可以 帮助 自己 学习 和 成长 的 机会

Xiǎo míng xuéxí bìng shíjiàn le zhèxiē jiànyì, zuìzhōng jiějué le tā de Python biānchéng wèntí. Tā gǎndào fēicháng kāixīn hé zì’ào, bìng yìshíxìng dǒngdào zài biānchéng lǚchéng zhōng, yùjiàn shìwù bùshì huàshì shì kěyǐ bāngzhù zìjǐ xuéxí hé chéngzhǎng de jīhuì.

Xiaoming learned and practiced these suggestions and eventually solved his Python programming problem. He felt very happy and proud, realizing that encountering problems in the programming journey is not a bad thing, but an opportunity to help oneself learn and grow

小明 学习 实践 这些 建议 最终 解决 Python 编程 问题 感到 非常 开心 自豪 意识 编程 旅程 遇到 问题 不是 坏事 而是 可以 帮助 自己 学习 成长 机会
xiǎo míng xué xí bìng shí jiàn le zhè xiē jiàn yì zuì zhōng jiě jué le de ~ biān chéng wèn tí gǎn dào fēi cháng kāi xīn zì háo bìng yì shí dào zài biān chéng lǚ chéng zhōng yù dào wèn tí bìng bú shì huài shì ér shì kě yǐ bāng zhù zì jǐ xué xí chéng zhǎng de jī huì
Xiaoming study and practice these suggestion eventually solve he/him ~ programming problem he/him feel extremely happy and proud and realize to at, in, on programming journey in, middle encounter problem and not bad thing but rather can help, to help oneself study and growth opportunity

从此以后 , 小明 一直 坚持 学习 Python 编程 , 并 不断 探索 和 尝试 新 的 编程 技巧 和 工具 。 他 在 编程 领域 取得 了 很大 的 进步 , 也 收获 了 更 多 的 机会 和 成就

Cóng cǐ yǐhòu, xiǎo míng yīzhí jiānchí xuéxí Python biānchéng, bìng bùduàn tànsuǒ hé chángshì xīn de biānchéng jìqiǎo hé gōngjù. Tā zài biānchéng lǐngyù qǔdé le hěn dà de jìnbù, yě shōuhuò le gèng duō de jīhuì hé chéngjiù.

Since then, Xiaoming has been persistently learning Python programming and constantly exploring and trying new programming techniques and tools. He has made great progress in the field of programming and has gained more opportunities and achievements

从此以后 小明 一直 坚持 学习 Python 编程 不断 探索 尝试 编程 技巧 工具 编程 领域 取得 很大 进步 收获 机会 成就
cóng cǐ yǐhòu xiǎo míng yī zhí jiān chí xué xí ~ biān chéng bìng bù duàn tàn suǒ cháng shì xīn de biān chéng jì qiǎo gōng jù zài biān chéng lǐng yù qǔ dé le hěn dà de jìn bù shōu huò le gèng duō de jī huì chéng jiù
since then Xiaoming always persist/stick to study ~ programming and constantly explore; probe and try, attempt new programming technique and tool he/him at, in, on programming field (of study or expertise) to obtain very big progress also harvest even more many opportunity and achievement
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