Learn Mandarin, Words

Published: Saturday, September 16, 2023
I shìto be 中国zhōng guóChina 学生xué shēngstudent
老师lǎo shīteacher 漂亮piào liangpretty 高兴gāo xìnghappy 谢谢xiè xiethank you
不客气bù kè qìyou’re welcome àilove jiāfamily, home 朋友péng yǒufriend
今天jīn tiāntoday 明天míng tiāntomorrow 昨天zuó tiānyesterday 时候shí houtime
niányear yuèmonth day 时候shí houwhen
怎么样zěn me yànghow about xiǎngto want, to miss 喜欢xǐ huānto like 觉得jué deto feel, to think
爸爸bà bafather 妈妈mā mamother 朋友péng youfriend jiāhome
学校xué xiàoschool shūbook 电视diàn shìtelevision 电影diàn yǐngmovie
音乐yīn yuèmusic 游戏yóu xìgame shuǐwater fànrice/meal
面条miàn tiáonoodles fish ròumeat càivegetables/dishes
水果shuǐ guǒfruit 早上zǎo shangmorning 晚上wǎn shàngevening/night 中午zhōng wǔnoon
下午xià wǔafternoon 上午shàng wǔmorning (before noon) hěnvery 然后rán hòuthen
现在xiàn zàinow 时间shí jiāntime 开始kāi shǐbegin 结束jié shùend
问题wèn típroblem 解决jiě juésolve 情况qíng kuàngsituation 因为yīn wèibecause
所以suǒ yǐso 可能kě néngmaybe 一定yī dìngcertainly 非常fēi chángextremely
可能性kě néng xìngpossibility 经验jīng yànexperience 选择xuǎn zéchoose 原因yuán yīnreason
发现fā xiàndiscover 常常cháng chángoften 不错bú cuònot bad 重要zhòng yàoimportant
感觉gǎn juéfeeling 玩具wán jùtoy 美丽měi lìbeautiful 安静ān jìngquiet
晚上wǎn shàngevening 故事gù shìstory 干净gān jìngclean 黑色hēi sèblack
白色bái sèwhite 黄色huáng sèyellow 红色hóng sèred 蓝色lán sèblue
绿色lǜ sègreen 灰色huī sègray 橙色chéng sèorange 紫色zǐ sèpurple
褐色hè sèbrown 星期一xīng qī yīMonday 星期二xīng qī èrTuesday 星期三xīng qī sānWednesday
星期四xīng qī sìThursday 星期五xīng qī wǔFriday 咖啡kā fēicoffee 旅游lǚ yóutravel
gǒudog māocat rain 飞机fēi jīairplane
饺子jiǎo zidumplings 桌子zhuō zitable 爱好ài hàohobby 手机shǒu jīcell phone
家庭jiā tíngfamily 书包shū bāoschoolbag 火车huǒ chētrain 公共汽车gōng gòng qì chēbus
书包shū bāoschool bag 蜜蜂mì fēngbee 猴子hóu zimonkey to ride
剪刀jiǎn dāoscissors 鼠标shǔ biāocomputer mouse 打开dǎ kāito open sǎnumbrella
睡觉shuì jiàoto sleep 放心fàng xīnto be at ease, to rest assured 汉字hàn zìChinese character 售货员shòu huò yuánsalesperson
加油jiā yóuto refuel, to cheer on 松鼠sōng shǔsquirrel 演员yǎn yuánactor, actress 收据shōu jùreceipt
橙子chéng ziorange 香蕉xiāng jiāobanana 苹果píng guǒapple 桃子táo zipeach
梨子lí zipear 西瓜xī guāwatermelon 草莓cǎo méistrawberry 葡萄pú táogrape
橘子jú zimandarin 菠萝bō luópineapple 柠檬níng ménglemon chēcar
公交车gōng jiāo chēbus 自行车zì xíng chēbicycle 上午shàng wǔmorning 时候shí houtime, moment
以前yǐ qiánbefore, ago 之后zhī hòuafter 如果rú guǒif 需要xū yàoneed
计划jì huàplan, to plan 选择xuǎn zéchoice, to choose 帮助bāng zhùhelp, to help 体验tǐ yànexperience, to experience
喜欢xǐ huānlike dàoto 不同bù tóngdifferent de
地方dì fāngplace to go 体验tǐ yànto experience 文化wén huàculture
机会jī huìopportunity 挑战tiǎo zhànchallenge, to challenge 成功chéng gōngsuccess, to succeed 失败shī bàifailure, to fail
努力nǔ lìeffort, to make an effort 呼吸hū xībreath 激动jī dòngexcited 收获shōu huòharvest
赞成zàn chéngagree 充满chōng mǎnfull of 怀疑huái yídoubt 丰富fēng fùrich
突然tú ránsuddenly 预测yù cèpredict 支持zhī chísupport 开心kāi xīnhappy
朝阳cháo yángsunrise 炸鸡zhá jīfried chicken 甜品tián pǐndessert 糖果táng guǒcandy
跑步pǎo bùrunning 瑜伽yú jiāyoga 戏剧xì jùdrama 书法shū fǎcalligraphy
绘画huì huàpainting 计算机jì suàn jīcomputer 网络wǎng luòinternet 宝贵bǎo guìvaluable
采取cǎi qǔadopt; take 订阅dìng yuèsubscribe 追求zhuī qiúpursue 优美yōu měigraceful; elegant
休闲xiū xiánleisure 观念guān niànconcept; idea 模仿mó fǎngimitate 协调xié tiáocoordinate; harmonize
创新chuàng xīninnovate 欣赏xīn shǎngappreciate 富裕fù yùwealthy 沉默chén mòsilent; keep quiet
负责fù zébe responsible for 食欲shí yùappetite 传统chuán tǒngtradition; traditional 理解lǐ jiěunderstand; comprehension
智慧zhì huìwisdom 准确zhǔn quèaccurate 信任xìn rèntrust 观点guān diǎnviewpoint
融合róng héfusion/integration 挑战tiǎo zhànchallenge 优雅yōu yǎelegant 努力nǔ lìeffort/hard work
进步jìn bùprogress 独立dú lìindependent 欣赏xīn shǎngappreciate/enjoy 相处xiāng chǔget along with
体验tǐ yànexperience 品尝pǐn chángtaste/try 自信zì xìnself-confidence 成就chéng jiùachievement
创造chuàng zàocreate/innovate 坚持jiān chípersist/stick to 鼓励gǔ lìencourage 着急zháo jíanxious
想念xiǎng niànmiss 耐心nài xīnpatience 快乐kuài lèhappy 难过nán guòsad
疑问yí wèndoubt 自由zì yóufreedom 优秀yōu xiùexcellent 关心guān xīncare about
接受jiē shòuaccept 完美wán měiperfect 友谊yǒu yìfriendship 尊重zūn zhòngrespect
真实zhēn shíreal 祝福zhù fúblessing 学习xué xístudy 减肥jiǎn féito lose weight
发现fā xiànto discover 安排ān páito arrange 分析fēn xīto analyze 教授jiào shòuprofessor
害羞hài xiūshy 忠诚zhōng chéngloyal 热爱rè àito love passionately 耐心nài xīnpatient
困难kùn nándifficulty 可爱kě àicute 科学kē xuéscience 规划guī huàto plan
刺激cì jīto stimulate 打电话dǎ diàn huàto make a phone call 节约jié yuēto save; to economize 坚强jiān qiángstrong; tough
压力yā lìpressure; stress 自然zì ránnature; natural 帅气shuài qìhandsome and stylish 忍耐rěn nàito endure; to be patient
麻烦má fantroublesome; inconvenient 休闲xiū xiánleisure; relaxation 欢迎huān yíngto welcome 嘴巴zuǐ bamouth
流行liú xíngpopular; fashionable 太阳tài yángsun 网球wǎng qiútennis 空气kōng qìair
牙刷yá shuātoothbrush 跳舞tiào wǔto dance niǎobird 椅子yǐ zichair
天气tiān qìweather fēngwind xuěsnow 生日shēng rìbirthday
礼物lǐ wùgift 发现 fā xiàndiscover; find 危险 wēi xiǎndanger; dangerous 尝试 cháng shìattempt; try
chǎngfield; place 节约 jié yuēeconomize; save 坚强 jiān qiángstrong; firm 欢迎 huān yíngwelcome
期待 qī dàilook forward to 建议 jiàn yìsuggestion; recommend 认真 rèn zhēnearnest; serious 疲劳 pí láofatigue; tiredness
思考 sī kǎothink; ponder 困难 kùn nándifficulty; difficult 聚会 jù huìgathering; party 健康 jiàn kānghealth; healthy
舒适 shū shìcomfortable; cozy 感激 gǎn jībe grateful; appreciate 非常fēi chángvery 感激gǎn jīappreciate
you 帮助bāng zhùhelp 这个zhè gethis 房间fáng jiānroom
舒适shū shìcomfortable I, me 需要xū yàoneed, require 一些yī xiēsome
láito come, to arrive 思考sī kǎoto think, to ponder 问题wèn tíquestion, problem 晚上wǎn shàngevening, night
我们wǒ menwe, us yǒuto have, to exist 一个yī gèa, an, one 很棒hěn bànggreat, fantastic
聚会jù huìparty, gathering zàiat, in, on 生活shēng huólife zhōngin, middle
必须bì xūmust, have to 下起xià qǐto start raining 大雨dà yǔheavy rain duǒto take shelter; to hide
树下shù xiàunder a tree 避雨bì yǔto take shelter from rain 完全wán quáncompletely 支持zhī chíto support
决定jué dìngdecision 尽力jìn lìto do one’s best 实现shí xiànto achieve; to realize dāngwhen
he/him 收到shōu dàoto receive 那个nèi gèthat hǎogood
消息xiāo xīnews shítime/when 非常fēi chángvery/extremely 差点chà diǎnalmost/nearly
to cry le 出来chū láito come out 正在zhèng zàiin the process of (doing something)
采蜜cǎi mìto collect nectar 非常fēi chángvery, extremely 期待qī dàito look forward to, to anticipate 下次xià cìnext time
见到jiàn dàoto see, to meet 喜欢xǐ huānto like, to enjoy to play 中音zhōng yīnalto
和弦hé xiánchord 旋律xuán lǜmelody 节奏jié zòurhythm 音符yīn fúmusical note
唱片chàng piànrecord 乐器yuè qìmusical instrument 管弦乐队guǎn xián yuè duìorchestra 指挥zhǐ huīconductor
歌词gē cílyrics 和声hé shēngharmony 钢琴gāng qínpiano 吉他jí tāguitar
合唱hé chàngchorus 音乐会yīn yuè huìconcert 歌曲gē qǔsong 小提琴xiǎo tí qínviolin
管弦乐guǎn xián yuèorchestra music 节拍器jié pāi qìmetronome 唱歌chàng gēsing 舞蹈wǔ dǎodance
声音shēng yīnsound 演奏yǎn zòuplay music 合唱hé chàngchoir, chorus 迷幻摇滚mí huàn yáo gǔnDreamy Rock
环绕声huán rào shēngSurround Sound 后摇hòu yáoPost-Rock 混响hùn xiǎngReverb 氛围音乐fēn wéi yīn yuèAtmospheric Music
失真吉他shī zhēn jí tāDistorted Guitar 压缩效果yā suō xiào guǒCompression Effect 树上shù shàngon the tree yòuagain
这位zhè wèithis person 一会yī huìa moment gèngeven more 汽车qì chēcar
令人lìng rénmake people 他们tā menthey 大利Dà LìItaly 利亚Lì yà-ia, -ya (suffix indicating a country or region name)
可以kě yǐcan 外语wài yǔforeign language 文物wén wùcultural relics 工程师gōng chéng shīengineer
弹钢琴tán gāng qínplay the piano 笑容xiào róngsmile, smiling expression 女朋友nǚ péng yǒugirlfriend èrtwo
maquestion particle 合唱曲hé chàng qǔchoral piece 语言yǔ yánlanguage 裙子qún zǐskirt
使得shǐ démake, cause 遥远yáo yuǎndistant, far away 尝试cháng shìtry, attempt 真是zhēn shìreally, indeed
yáoshake, sway 一支yī zhīa (measure word for long, thin objects) 推动tuī dòngpromote 售货shòu huòsales
墙壁qiáng bìwall 健康jiàn kānghealth 学会xué huìlearn 意见yì jiànopinion
美妙měi miàowonderful 花园huā yuángarden 每周měi zhōuevery week 城市chéng shìcity
对待duì dàitreat 看起kàn qǐlook 公共场合gōng gòng chǎng hépublic place 吃香chī xiāngpopular
compared to 情感qíng gǎnemotion 小猫xiǎo māokitten 计算jì suàncalculate
室里shì lǐinside the room 线条xiàn tiáoline, contour 离开lí kāileave, depart 百货公司bǎi huò gōng sīdepartment store
防暑fáng shǔheatstroke prevention 鼓点gǔ diǎndrumbeat 晚会wǎn huìevening party 持身chí shēnhold oneself
dàibring, take, belt 清新qīng xīnfresh, pure 规律guī lǜregularity, rule dōuall, both
聊天liáo tiānchat 公共gōng gòngpublic 摇滚yáo gǔnrock and roll 讨论tǎo lùndiscuss
刷墙shuā qiángpaint a wall 震撼zhèn hànshock 只好zhǐ hǎohave to 迈克mài kèMike
zuìmost 饮食yǐn shídiet; food and drink 措施cuò shīmeasure; step 条鱼tiáo yúbarracuda
算机suàn jīcomputer 国菜guó càinational cuisine 做好zuò hǎodo well; get ready 电话diàn huàtelephone; phone call
没有méi yǒunot have 人民rén mínpeople, citizens 大家dà jiāeveryone, all 这条zhè tiáothis (long and narrow object)
都城dōu chéngcapital city 风景fēng jǐngscenery, landscape 想法xiǎng fǎidea, opinion 这双zhè shuāngthis (pair of shoes)
上学shàng xuégo to school wènask, question 严格yán géstrict 最适zuì shìmost suitable, optimal
今天天气jīn tiān tiān qìtoday’s weather rénperson 不太bù tàinot very, not too 参加cān jiāparticipate, attend
一下yī xiàa bit, a little 放着fàng zheleave it, leave it there 社区shè qūcommunity 数学shù xuémathematics
互联网hù lián wǎnginternet 每个měi geevery 方便fāng biànconvenient 危险wēi xiǎndangerous
认识rèn shiknow, recognize 周末zhōu mòweekend shìroom 摇滚音乐yáo gǔn yīn yuèrock music
首歌shǒu gēsong 医生yī shēngdoctor 取得qǔ déto obtain 赞扬zàn yángpraise
家人jiā rénfamily members 教室jiào shìclassroom 解决问题jiě jué wèn tísolve a problem 情绪qíng xùemotion
shēngsound, voice 新书xīn shūnew book 一直yī zhíalways 开车kāi chēdrive a car
jiàocall, to be called 就要jiù yàoabout to, will soon 父母fù mǔparents 我用wǒ yòngI use
氧气yǎng qìoxygen 尤其yóu qíespecially lǎoold 东西dōng xīthing
shàngup, on 去年qù niánlast year aah, oh 黑胶hēi jiāovinyl record
mángbusy 看电视kàn diàn shìwatch TV 希望xī wànghope 项链xiàng liànnecklace
不动bù dòngnot move 要求yāo qiúrequirement, request 好吃hǎo chītasty 我会wǒ huìI can
新鲜xīn xiānfresh one 身体shēn tǐbody departicle to link adverbial and verb
颜色yán sècolor 可怕kě pàscary 继续jì xùcontinue skin
yǎnperform 天空tiān kōngsky 照顾zhào gùtake care of 小提琴曲xiǎo tí qín qǔviolin piece
食物shí wùfood 抓住zhuā zhùcatch 多花duō huāspend more money than necessary 红肉hóng ròured meat
很难hěn nándifficult 好消息hǎo xiāo xigood news 上弹shàng dànput in a record 节约能源jié yuē néng yuánconserve energy
一项yī xiàngan item 得到dé dàoget 弹奏tán zòuplay (an instrument) 很甜hěn tiánsweet
名字míng zìname bìngand 几点jǐ diǎnwhat time yàomedicine
合唱团hé chàng tuánchoir kànto look; to watch 独奏dúzòusolo (music) 面试miànshìinterview
的话dehuàif; in case 三月sān yuèMarch 准备zhǔnbèito prepare 不可bùkěcannot; must not
放在fàng zàito put in/on 带书dài shūto bring books 复杂fùzácomplicated; complex 穿着chuānzhuóto wear; clothing
这有zhè yǒuthere is here; here has 放松fàngsōngto relax 什么shénmewhat 车开chē kāito drive
来到láidàoto arrive; to come to 看看kàn kànto have a look; to take a look 不要bùyàodo not; don’t 饮料yǐnliàobeverage; drink
治疗zhìliáoto treat; therapy tánto play (a musical instrument) 注意安全zhù yì ān quánpay attention to safety 发扬fā yángdevelop and enhance
努力学习nǔ lì xué xístudy hard 房价fáng jiàhousing price 病人bìng rénpatient 坐在zuò zàisit on
zhùlive, reside 别人bié rénothers, someone else 面对miàn duìface, confront no, not
会议huì yìmeeting nándifficult, hard 部分bù fènpart, section 流畅liú chàngsmooth, fluent
项目xiàng mùproject yàowant, need, will dànbut, yet 答案dá ànanswer
baparticle indicating suggestion or doubt 面对miàn duìface, confront no, not nándifficult, hard
部分bù fènpart, section 流畅liú chàngsmooth, fluent yàowant, need, will dànbut, yet
外套wài tàocoat měibeautiful 如何rú héhow 感到gǎn dàofeel
这次zhè cìthis time 一部yī bùa (measure word for movies, books, etc.) 我先wǒ xiānme first 国外guó wàiabroad
这杯zhè bēithis cup 有助于yǒu zhù yúbe helpful to 聪明cōng míngsmart 步行bù xíngwalk
杂志zá zhìmagazine měievery 看到kàn dàosee and
每天měi tiānevery day 两次liǎng cìtwice 跳得tiào déjumped huāspend
艺术品yì shù pǐnartwork 今天下午jīn tiān xià wǔthis afternoon 转眼间zhuǎn yǎn jiānin the blink of an eye 夏天xià tiānsummer
huìwill 看着kàn zhewatching 已经yǐ jīngalready gěigive
休闲活动xiū xián huó dòngleisure activities 含义hán yìmeaning 只要zhǐ yàoas long as tàitoo
曲子qǔ zipiece of music pen 待在家里dāi zài jiā lǐstay at home bānghelp
了不起 “liǎo bù qǐ” “amazing” 散步 “sàn bù” “take a walk” 讨论一下 “tǎo lùn yī xià” “discuss” 参与 “cān yù” “participate”
运动 “yùn dòng” “exercise” 难忘 “nán wàng” “unforgettable” 疫情 “yì qíng” “epidemic” 才华 “cái huá” “talent”
“mǎi” “buy” 晕倒 “yūn dǎo” “faint” 特效 “tè xiào” “special effect” 终于 “zhōng yú” “finally”
场地 “chǎng dì” “venue” 专家 “zhuān jiā” “expert” 里装 “lǐ zhuāng” “interior decoration” 变好 “biàn hǎo” “improve”
有趣 “yǒu qù” “interesting” 力量 “lì liàng” “power” 注意zhù yìattention 北京běi jīngBeijing
生机shēng jīvitality 公园gōng yuánpark 很快hěn kuàiquickly 下雨xià yǔrain
小说xiǎo shuōnovel guòspend duōmany 回家huí jiāgo home
独特dú tèunique 一生yī shēnglifetime bānmove 剥皮bō pípeel
深厚shēn hòuprofound pǎorun 篇文章piān wén zhāngarticle 乐队yuè duìband
特别tè biéespecially 很强hěn qiángstrong 购物gòu wùshopping 澳大利亚ào dà lì yàAustralia
地去dì qùto go to 关灯guān dēngturn off the lights 自己zì jǐoneself néngability/can
友好yǒu hǎofriendly 做完作业zuò wán zuò yèfinish homework 一场yī chǎnga (measure word for events) 回忆huí yìmemory
迈克尔mài kè ěrMichael 取得成功qǔ dé chéng gōngachieve success obtain/get 音乐家yīn yuè jiāmusician
超市chāo shìsupermarket 天黑tiān hēiit gets dark shuāngpair/double zhèthis
she 很多hěn duōmany chīeat inside
qǐngplease 工作gōng zuòwork 应该yīng gāishould duìcorrect
我要wǒ yàoI want 这是zhè shìthis is 一起yì qǐtogether 保持bǎo chímaintain
tīnglisten xīnnew take jiùthen
之一zhī yīone of 一本yì běna book 一位yí wèia person rànglet
zuòdo menplural marker 好听hǎo tīngpleasant to hear 这些zhè xiēthese
zhīonly 很大hěn dàvery big 有意思yǒu yì siinteresting 旅行lǚ xíngtravel
吃饭chī fàneat a meal 很漂亮hěn piào liangvery beautiful 合作hé zuòcooperate 衣服yī fuclothes
喝一杯hē yì bēihave a drink 适合shì hésuitable gāotall 告诉gào sutell
中文zhōng wénChinese language wàngforget 一只yì zhīa (measure word for animals) 团队tuán duìteam
记得jì deremember 这种zhè zhǒngthis kind of cáionly (indicating a small amount) 能够néng gòube able to
数学题shù xué tímath problem 成绩chéng jìgrade, score 不太好bù tài hǎonot very good 各种gè zhǒngvarious kinds
看书kàn shūread books děngwait 权利quán lìright 今年jīn niánthis year
一名yī míngone person (measure word) drink 效果xiào guǒeffect 一年yī niánone year
真的zhēn dereally 一杯yī bēione cup (measure word) 一部分yī bù fèna part 两个liǎng gètwo (measure word)
带给dài gěibring to 起来qǐ láistand up 我家wǒ jiāmy home 考试kǎo shìexam
好看hǎo kàngood-looking 变得biàn débecome 动听dòng tīngpleasant to hear 今晚jīn wǎntonight
一张yī zhānga (flat) object shuōspeak, say 支乐队zhī yuè duìband 这幅zhè fúthis (for paintings or pictures)
huàpainting, draw 孩子hái zichild 本书běn shūbook 只有zhǐ yǒuonly have, only then
才能cái néngability, be capable of 电影吧diàn yǐng bamovie theater 这件zhè jiànthis (clothing) 首歌曲shǒu gē qǔsong
真快zhēn kuàireally fast 吃水果chī shuǐ guǒeat fruit 休息xiū xirest 好好hǎo hǎowell
穿chuānwear 一次yí cìonce xiānfirst 一条yì tiáoone (long, thin objects)
梦想mèng xiǎngdream 一门yì ména (course of study) 为了wèi lefor the sake of 这道zhè dàothis (dish)
过得guò deto live, to spend (time) 出色chū sèoutstanding, excellent 一份yī fèna portion, a share 成员chéng yuánmember
饭店fàn diànrestaurant 迷幻mí huànfantasy, psychedelic 水平shuǐ pínglevel, standard 博物馆bó wù guǎnmuseum
听到tīng dàoto hear 人们rén menpeople it tiáoa measure word for long, narrow objects (e.g. pants, rivers)
真是太zhēn shì tàiit’s really too… chàngto sing 但是dàn shìbut, however 一会儿yī huìra little while
鞋子xiézishoes 收藏shōucángcollect 看起来kàn qǐláilooks like 这份zhè fènthis (document)
dàiwear (on head/hands) 一首yī shǒua song 著名zhùmíngfamous 运动员yùndòngyuánathlete
zhēnreal 蛋糕dàngāocake 舒服shūfucomfortable xiàget off (transportation)
护照hùzhàopassport 了解liǎojiěunderstand, know about 道菜dào càidish (of a certain region or restaurant) 更加gèng jiāeven more; all the more
精神jīng shénspirit; vitality; energy; enthusiasm 整个zhěng gèwhole; entire; complete 早点zǎo diǎnbreakfast food; morning snack 制定zhì dìngdraw up; formulate; make
各种类型gè zhǒng lèi xíngall kinds of types 比赛bǐ sàimatch; competition 弟弟dì diyounger brother 身体健康shēn tǐ jiàn kāngphysical health
一天yī tiānone day 氛围fēn wéiatmosphere 总是zǒng shìalways 钱包qián bāowallet
我花wǒ huāI spend 一件yī jiànone item 女孩nǚ háigirl 箱子xiāng zisuitcase
that 多方面duō fāng miànin many aspects 改变gǎi biànchange 英语yīng yǔEnglish
通常tōng chángusually 小狗xiǎo gǒupuppy 小时候xiǎo shí hòuchildhood hòuafter
乐意lè yìwilling 打算dǎ suànplan 越来越yuè lái yuèmore and more 知道zhī dàoknow
这道题zhè dào títhis question bàngfantastic 衬衫chèn shānshirt 张床zhāng chuángbed
钥匙yào shikey 建议jiàn yìsuggestion 公司gōng sīcompany 美好měi hǎobeautiful
带伞dài sǎnbring an umbrella spicy 图书馆tú shū guǎnlibrary 毕业bì yègraduate
花园里huā yuán lǐin the garden 用功yòng gōngstudy hard háistill huàibad
来说lái shuōspeaking of 坐火车zuò huǒ chētake a train 一点yī diǎna little bit 在生活中zài shēng huó zhōngin life
蔬菜shū càivegetables 这里zhè lǐhere 信息xìn xīinformation 带来dài láibring
相信xiāng xìnbelieve 锻炼身体duàn liàn shēn tǐexercise the body zuòsit 勇敢yǒng gǎnbrave
地面dì miànground 照片zhào piànphoto 树木shù mùtrees 不好bù hǎonot good
下车xià chēget off 这座zhè zuòthis (one) (of buildings, mountains, etc.) 十年shí niánten years 进展jìn zhǎnprogress
递给dì gěihand over 外表wài biǎoappearance 简直jiǎn zhísimply 很着急hěn zháo jívery worried
尽快jǐn kuàias soon as possible 不能bù néngcannot 道歉dào qiànapologize zhànstand
过程guò chéngprocess read 甜美tián měisweet 好书hǎo shūgood book
办理bàn lǐhandle (paperwork, etc.) 世界shì jièworld 游泳yóu yǒngswimming 这场zhè chǎngthis (one) (of events, shows, etc.)
big 书和笔shū hé bǐbooks and pens 春节chūn jiéSpring Festival 会包huì bāowill include
他会tā huìhe can 朵花duǒ huāflower (measure word) 一所yī suǒone (measure word for schools, universities, etc.) 良好liáng hǎogood
饮食习惯yǐn shí xí guàndietary habits 心情xīn qíngmood bèiby (passive voice indicator) 称为chēng wéicalled
相互尊重xiāng hù zūn zhòngmutual respect yīnbecause of 缺氧quē yǎnghypoxia chátea
笑声xiào shēnglaughter 带上dài shàngtake along 滑冰huá bīngice skating 关于guān yúabout
表达biǎo dáexpress 创意chuàng yìcreativity 太累tài lèitoo tired érand
偶像ǒu xiàngidol 未来wèi láifuture 连衣裙lián yī qúndress 独立自主dú lì zì zhǔindependent and self-reliant
客厅kè tīngliving room 王小明wáng xiǎo míngWang Xiaoming (a common Chinese name) 鸟儿niǎo érbird 声部shēng bùvoice part
邮票yóu piàopostage stamp 传承chuán chénginheritance; pass down (from one generation to the next) 中华民族zhōng huá mín zúthe Chinese nation; the Chinese people 领袖lǐng xiùleader
新冠xīn guànCOVID-19 (short for 新型冠状病毒, xīn xíng guàn zhuàng bìng dú) 父亲fù qīnfather 新唱片xīn chàng piànnew album 马上mǎ shàngimmediately; at once
出发chū fāset off; depart sòngsend; give as a gift 探索tàn suǒexplore; probe 自然规律zì rán guī lǜnatural law
学科xué kēacademic discipline 蝴蝶hú diébutterfly 赶快gǎn kuàihurry up; quickly 回家吧huí jiā bago home
他花tā huāhe spends a measure word for general use 发言fā yánmake a speech; deliver a statement 领带lǐng dàinecktie
用餐yòng cānhave a meal 更大gèng dàbigger 三点左右sān diǎn zuǒ yòuaround three o’clock 交给jiāo gěihand over to
更热gèng rèhotter 防暑降温fáng shǔ jiàng wēnprevent heatstroke and cool down 快餐kuài cānfast food 食品shí pǐnfood; food products
两杯liǎng bēitwo cups 经常jīng chángoften; frequently 昨天晚上zuó tiān wǎn shànglast night 考取kǎo qǔpass an exam
遵守zūn shǒuabide by; comply with 画画huà huàpaint (a picture) 结合jié hécombine; integrate 非常感激fēi cháng gǎn jīvery grateful
开会kāi huìhave a meeting wèifor 庆祝qìng zhùcelebrate 各方gè fāngall parties
留下liú xiàleave behind 好玩hǎo wánfun 咖啡店kā fēi diàncoffee shop 听听tīng tīnglisten to
激发jī fāstimulate 穿点chuān diǎnwear some 动物园dòng wù yuánzoo 编程biān chéngprogramming
使用shǐ yònguse kěnwilling 演得yǎn déperform 找到zhǎo dàofind
电影院diàn yǐng yuàncinema 幸福快乐xìng fú kuài lèhappiness 机上jī shàngonboard 那些nà xiēthose
老歌lǎo gēold song 明晚míng wǎntomorrow night 表现出色biǎo xiàn chū sèperform well 演唱会yǎn chàng huìconcert
三点, 左右sān diǎn, zuǒ yòuaround three o’clock 失真shī zhēndistorted 很酷hěn kùcool 之间zhī jiānbetween
通过tōng guòthrough 获取huò qǔacquire 展示zhǎn shìdisplay 珍贵zhēn guìprecious
拿给ná gěigive 参观cān guānvisit língzero 二三年èr sān niántwo to three years
平等píng děngequal 词有cí yǒudeep shēndeep 玩耍wán shuǎplay
练习liàn xípractice 最近zuì jìnrecently 举起jǔ qǐlift up 很重hěn zhòngvery heavy
吃糖chī tángeat candy suìyear old 六点, 起床liù diǎn, qǐ chuángwake up at six o’clock 出名chū míngbecome famous
玩电脑wán diàn nǎoplay computer 上课shàng kèattend class 勤奋qín fèndiligent 共鸣gòng míngresonance
稀有xī yǒurare 新鲜空气xīn xiān kōng qìfresh air liàngbright 之前zhī qiánbefore
他弹tā tánhe plays (an instrument) 一手yī shǒuskillful 舞姿wǔ zīdance posture 演唱yǎn chàngsing
春天chūn tiānspring 展览zhǎn lǎnexhibition 律师lǜ shīlawyer 保留bǎo liúreserve
这套zhè tàothis set 听的歌tīng de gēsong that is listened to 时光shí guāngtime 会弹huì tánable to play (an instrument)
chángtaste huànchange 产品chǎn pǐnproduct 美白měi báiwhiten
一家yī jiāone family 河流hé liúriver 买好mǎi hǎobuy well 门票mén piàoticket
娱乐活动yú lè huó dòngentertainment activity 班上bān shàngin class 同学tóng xuéclassmate 四口sì kǒufour members of a family
lánblue 温暖wēn nuǎnwarm 这辆zhè liàngthis vehicle 医院yī yuànhospital
电脑diàn nǎocomputer 记住jì zhùremember 长度cháng dùlength lìngother
容易róng yìeasy 跟着gēn zhefollow 喝茶hē chádrink tea 动人dòng réntouching
一辆yī liàngone vehicle 乔丹qiáo dānJordan (surname) 篮球lán qiúbasketball 南半球nán bàn qiúsouthern hemisphere
一口yī kǒuone mouthful 慢慢màn mànslowly zheindicates the continuation or persistence of an action 祖先zǔ xiānancestor
一种yī zhǒnga kind of 欢乐huān lèjoyous 比如bǐ rúfor example 值得zhí deworthwhile
一读yī dúone read 领域lǐng yùfield (of study or expertise) xuéto study, to learn 国家guó jiācountry, nation
diàoto fall, to drop 水里shuǐ lǐin the water wánto play tiàoto jump, to skip
客气kè qìpolite, courteous diàoto fish 第一条dì yī tiáothe first one 英语水平yīng yǔ shuǐ píngEnglish level
lèitired 新家xīn jiānew home 行动xíng dòngaction 长时间cháng shí jiānlong time
疲劳pí láofatigue 时尚杂志shí shàng zá zhìfashion magazine 两种liǎng zhǒngtwo kinds 动物dòng wùanimal
mànslow 追求幸福zhuī qiú xìng fúpursue happiness 进入jìn rùto enter 十二月shí èr yuèDecember
过生日guò shēng rìto celebrate one’s birthday 太酸tài suāntoo sour 失去shī qùto lose 包里bāo lǐin the bag
做到zuò dàoaccomplish 老人lǎo rénelderly person 玩游戏wán yóu xìplay games 包含bāo háncontain
许多xǔ duōmany 任务rèn wùtask 目标mù biāogoal 身边shēn biānbeside
方案fāng ànplan 需求xū qiúrequirement 试试shì shìtry 这项zhè xiàngthis item
应对yìng duìdeal with 选举xuǎn jǔelection 勇气yǒng qìcourage jiànmeet
wánfinish 客户kè hùcustomer qiángstrong 帽子mào zihat
成为chéng wéibecome 缺少quē shǎolack zhǎofind 首都shǒu dūcapital city
一首歌yī shǒu gēa song 要开yào kāito turn on 六点liù diǎn6 o’clock 起床qǐ chuángwake up
上班shàng bāngo to work 带书去dài shū qùbring a book 节约用水jié yuē yòng shuǐsave water 营销yíng xiāomarketing
jiùold 八日bā rìeighth day 做饭zuò fàncook 学习外语xué xí wài yǔlearn a foreign language
biédon’t 太紧张tài jǐn zhāngtoo nervous 对不起duì bu qǐI’m sorry chǎonoisy
建立jiàn lìestablish 互相hù xiāngeach other 关系guān xìrelationship 拉面lā miànramen
付出fù chūpay 多多duō duōmany 事物shì wùthing 海滩hǎi tānbeach
度假dù jiàvacation 下周xià zhōunext week 好好学习hǎo hǎo xué xístudy well 月亮代表yuè liàng dài biǎothe moon represents
xīnheart 期间qī jiānperiod of time 尽可能jǐn kě néngas much as possible 瓶子píng zibottle
举办jǔ bànhold (an event) away from 很近hěn jìnvery close 一动不动yī dòng bù dòngmotionless
饭菜fàn càifood 生意shēng yìbusiness 记忆jì yìmemory 生活习惯shēng huó xí guànlifestyle habits
软件ruǎn jiànsoftware 写作xiě zuòwriting shìthing 今天上午jīn tiān shàng wǔthis morning
微笑wēi xiàosmile 小提琴手xiǎo tí qín shǒuviolinist 我想点wǒ xiǎng diǎnI want to order 披萨pī sàpizza
日本rì běnJapan qiánmoney 活动huó dòngactivity 提高tí gāoimprove
能量néng liàngenergy 我爱你wǒ ài nǐI love you 早日康复zǎo rì kāng fùget well soon 有益yǒu yìbeneficial
巧克力qiǎo kè lìchocolate 发展fā zhǎndevelop gēnwith dāistupid
家里jiā lǐat home xíngok 不是bú shìnot 一蹴而就yī cù ér jiùdo something in one stroke
不断bù duànconstantly 认真对待rèn zhēn duì dàitreat seriously 明白míng báiunderstand crowded
味道wèi dàotaste 更好gèng hǎobetter 胜利shèng lìvictory 愿意yuàn yìwilling
生日礼物shēng rì lǐ wùbirthday gift 巨大jù dàhuge class 坐飞机zuò fēi jītake a plane
令人感动lìng rén gǎn dòngtouching 能过néng guòcan live through 整整zhěng zhěngexactly shuābrush
跳来跳去tiào lái tiào qùjump around 动感dòng gǎndynamic 学了xué lelearned 感兴趣gǎn xìng qùinterested
保护环境bǎo hù huán jìngprotect the environment 出去玩chū qù wángo out to play 太难tài nántoo difficult 克服kè fúovercome
保持沉默bǎo chí chén mòkeep silent 艺术yì shùart 积极jī jípositive 态度tài dùattitude
窗户chuāng hùwindow biānedge 低落dī luòlow 减少jiǎn shǎoreduce
摄入shè rùintake jièborrow 事情shì qíngthing 晚餐wǎn cāndinner
去过qù guòbeen to xiěwrite 一篇yī piāna piece of 文章wén zhāngarticle
是否shì fǒuwhether 可行kě xíngfeasible 认为rèn wéithink 缺陷quē xiàndefect
事业shì yècareer 文件wén jiàndocument 签字qiān zìsign lěngcold
受到shòu dàobe affected 影响yǐng xiǎnginfluence hòuthick 双鞋shuāng xiépair of shoes
100yī bǎione hundred yuányuan 不会bù huìcannot 多想duō xiǎngthink too much
办法bàn fǎsolution 财富cái fùwealth 爬山pá shānmountain climbing 深深地shēn shēn dedeeply
suck 摇滚歌手yáo gǔn gē shǒurock singer 压缩yā suōcompress 清晰qīng xīclear
书桌上shū zhuō shàngon the desk 一束yī shùa bunch of 鲜花xiān huāflowers 来自lái zìcome from
想要xiǎng yàowant 火车票huǒ chē piàotrain ticket 不小bù xiǎonot small 心切xīn qièeager
shānginjure shǒuhand 张小华zhāng xiǎo huáZhang Xiaohua (a name) 姐姐jiě jieolder sister
化妆品huà zhuāng pǐncosmetics 部门bù méndepartment 主要zhǔ yàomain 伟大wěi dàgreat
发明fā mínginvention 电视剧diàn shì jùTV drama 一整天yī zhěng tiāna whole day 海边hǎi biānseaside
这双鞋zhè shuāng xiéthis pair of shoes 唱国歌chàng guó gēsing the national anthem 有空yǒu kònghave free time 解决方案jiě jué fāng ànsolution
活力huó lìvitality 他家tā jiāhis/her family zhuānginstall 设计shè jìdesign
生日派对shēng rì pài duìbirthday party 感冒gǎn màocatch a cold qiúball 礼貌lǐ màopoliteness
画廊huà lángart gallery 几点钟jǐ diǎn zhōngwhat time 一双yī shuānga pair 削掉xiāo diàocut off
政府zhèng fǔgovernment 一系列yī xì lièa series of 大雪dà xuěheavy snow 每天晚上měi tiān wǎn shàngevery night
qiánbefore 风吹fēng chuīwind blows 农民nóng mínfarmer 他种tā zhònghe grows
不吃bù chīdon’t eat 打网球dǎ wǎng qiúplay tennis 市场shì chǎngmarket 哪些nǎ xiēwhich ones
三点sān diǎnthree o’clock 左右zuǒ yòuaround 口袋kǒu dàipocket 装满zhuāng mǎnfill up
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